Here is a small teaser for what's to come. Expect bigger teasers in the near future.
This is 11clock.
First of all, an apology for not giving much information about the game after we decided to close development for the alpha version of Earth Overclocked. Earth Overclocked isn't dead. Far from it. We haven't shared information lately, but we have been rather active in developing the game. We even hope to give a nice big spoiler dump soon. By the way, I estimate the full release to have more than 10 times more content than the alpha had before development on it closed. It's not just more content, either. We also made some big improvements to the gameplay and overall feel to the game. Now for why you haven't heard from us. The simple answer is: We have lives. Almost all of us in the team are university students. We are pretty much always busy and hardly ever get breaks. When we are not doing university work, we are either working on the game or just trying to chill. We aren't robots. We are human beings who share the same passion. Basically, we haven't said anything because we simply don't have the time. All of our lives are busy, and even RayRay (our secondary programmer) is planning on dropping out of the project early due to him being overstressed. My personal health is also deteriorating. Some team members are getting a bit anxious, too. We really want to get the game out as soon as possible. We are aiming for a Summer release (no promises). All of the content in the game is currently in. The game, content-wise, is complete. However, a game is far more than just content. We spend a lot of time tweaking the game and making sure that it is fun. (There is also the opening cutscene that has been broken since beta started and it has been broken for so long that now the team is poking fun at me for not getting around to fixing it yet.) Please wait a little longer and you will get a nice surprise. The game may finally be in a good enough place now for me to focus on getting some goodies to share with you guys. Now what do we have left? Well basically the revision of the main menu, then a really massive polishing phase before we send out the game to some selected beta testers. We're also still waiting on the graphics overhaul (which is making good progress). Just be patient. The game will be released. Too much was sacrificed into this game to give up now, especially when we're now trying to wrap things up. ~11clock |