Tune in next weekend!
Guys and a Box has decided to participate in what is popularly called "Screenshot Saturday!" Every Saturday we will present a picture of our current game in progress (currently Earth Overclocked), showing some feature or whatever! Here is this weekend's screenshot of the new and improved GUI! Too much text? No worries, the text on the left only shows when you either push a button (gamepad) or hover your mouse over the inventory slots (keyboard + mouse)!
Tune in next weekend!
This is 11clock.
First of all, an apology for not giving much information about the game after we decided to close development for the alpha version of Earth Overclocked. Earth Overclocked isn't dead. Far from it. We haven't shared information lately, but we have been rather active in developing the game. We even hope to give a nice big spoiler dump soon. By the way, I estimate the full release to have more than 10 times more content than the alpha had before development on it closed. It's not just more content, either. We also made some big improvements to the gameplay and overall feel to the game. Now for why you haven't heard from us. The simple answer is: We have lives. Almost all of us in the team are university students. We are pretty much always busy and hardly ever get breaks. When we are not doing university work, we are either working on the game or just trying to chill. We aren't robots. We are human beings who share the same passion. Basically, we haven't said anything because we simply don't have the time. All of our lives are busy, and even RayRay (our secondary programmer) is planning on dropping out of the project early due to him being overstressed. My personal health is also deteriorating. Some team members are getting a bit anxious, too. We really want to get the game out as soon as possible. We are aiming for a Summer release (no promises). All of the content in the game is currently in. The game, content-wise, is complete. However, a game is far more than just content. We spend a lot of time tweaking the game and making sure that it is fun. (There is also the opening cutscene that has been broken since beta started and it has been broken for so long that now the team is poking fun at me for not getting around to fixing it yet.) Please wait a little longer and you will get a nice surprise. The game may finally be in a good enough place now for me to focus on getting some goodies to share with you guys. Now what do we have left? Well basically the revision of the main menu, then a really massive polishing phase before we send out the game to some selected beta testers. We're also still waiting on the graphics overhaul (which is making good progress). Just be patient. The game will be released. Too much was sacrificed into this game to give up now, especially when we're now trying to wrap things up. ~11clock It has been a while since the last spoiler, but we still don't have anything to show regarding the game itself, since the graphics are still in heavy development with continuing changes. The fans don't want to be left in the dark, so here is a music spoiler for the time being! It has been a while since we last updated this blog. It's not that we have been inactive, not at all! We just haven't had anything worth showing in a while. The graphics overhaul is still under heavy development. Here are some stuff going on, though.
-Almost all enemies and bosses are in the game. -All biomes are in the game. -All 4 major classes are in the game. (Yes, classes are a thing.) However, they still need some balancing and tweaking. -Almost all weapons are in the game. If you want an exact number, the full release will have 34 weapons. 12 will need to be unlocked by playing far into the game with each class. -The power card system is under construction. -Tiered monsters will be a thing. -The game currently has 26 unlockables. No more are planned as of now. -The dungeon generator was rewritten once again, and it now includes a dungeon map. -You can now drop weapons. Some news about the Mac version of Earth Overclocked Alpha. Honestly, this may not happen anymore. Don't worry, the full release is still planned for Mac! We just feel that with the amount of progress completed in the closed beta stage, the alpha version is now too outdated to for us to maintain support. We hope that all owners of Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android devices will eventually be able to play what Guys and a Box has fully envisioned. The game still has no release date. Just be patient! By this point we can safely say that there WILL be a release date. The game WILL come out! We would like to announce that the alpha version of Earth Overclocked, Windows Linux and Android ports, is available on Sila Games. Link: http://www.silagames.com/game/151/
We would also like to say that by now the alpha version is now severely outdated by the beta of Earth Overclocked, with a now whopping 35+ enemies and around 20 bosses, compared to the alpha version's 15 enemies and 7 bosses. There is more in store than just more enemies and bosses, too! The beta is not available to the public, but don't worry! The wait for the full release will be totally worth it! This is just to give you an idea on how large the full release will be. Be patient! Remember that this game has been in development for two years! Meanwhile, another graphics spoiler. Here is the second of three remastered songs for the full version of Earth Overclocked! This time around it is the Dungeon theme. Here is the remastered version of the Overworld track for the full version of Earth Overclocked! If you want more hints and spoilers for the game Earth Overclocked, or want to be more regularly updated on recent activity from us, we HIGHLY recommend following the official Guys and a Box Twitter account, https://twitter.com/GuysandaBox. Even though we post an occasional article on this website, many smaller, but interesting, things are only posted on Twitter.
And here is a little something. Have a great Summer! (If you live on the opposite side of the planet from us... well good luck with Winter!) It's time to show you a few graphics that will be in the full release of Earth Overclocked, provided by F1r3w0rks and our new artist Mischa van der Goes! The entire game is getting a graphical overhaul, so expect more to come! The game is going to be displayed in 720p, unlike the alpha's 480p. (We tried 1080p, but the game was experiencing too many difficulties such as crashing often on startup.)